Meet the 2016 Amani Hope Scholars – we are excited to share the latest additions to the Amani Hope Family… This year we added 7 new Amani Hope Scholars to the Amani Hope Scholarship program. These new additions allow the Amani Hope Foundation to continue its mission of empowering underprivileged children across the world by providing scholarships. The foundation now educates 26 Amani Hope Scholars in 4 countries – 19 in Zimbabwe, 5 in Tanzania, 1 in Ghana and 1 in Bermuda.
AFR Clothing and the Amani Hope Foundation partnered with Chiedza Child Care Center to identify the 7 new scholarship recipients. The center supports and cares for vulnerable children in Harare, Zimbabwe. One scholarship of the 7 recipients was funded by Paraval Clothing a fashion house dedicated to children’s education which launched in January of 2015. We hope this partnership with Paraval Clothing will set the precedent for future collaborations with other organizations.
Here are the profiles of the new additions:
1. Anesu Zembwe: is a 17 year old high school student. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up because she wants to help the sick. Anesu loves to play netball and athletics. She helps her mother by selling at the market when she is free.
2. Anywhere Jimu: Anywhere loves to paint and hopes to pursue an artistic career once he finishes school. Currently lives with his grandmother since both parents passed away. Paraval Clothing is funding Anywhere’s scholarship.
3. Brendon Nyanzou: Brendon has been living with his grandmother ever since his parents passed away. He is an avid soccer play but also loves school. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up.
4. Charity Tsuro: 8 year old Charity is the youngest 2016 scholarship recipient. Both of her parents passed away and she now lives with her relatives. Charity loves to dance and is looking forward to 3rd Grade.
5. Locardia Jossei: Locardia is a hard working student who day dreams of being a pilot when she grows up. She is also a strong volleyball player. Both of Locardia’s parents passed away.
6. Notice Makawa: Notice lives with his grandmother since both his parents passed away. He has 5 siblings and he is in 4th Grade. He loves learning and hopes to be a doctor one day.
7. Tinotenda Zvomunda: Tinotenda is a 5th Grade student who loves to play soccer and chess. When he grows up, he wants to be a Policeman. He currently lives with his 4 siblings and both of his parents are deceased.
We look forward to introducing the new scholarship recipients.
Our deepest gratitude goes to the Amani Hope Foundation donors and AFR Clothing customers for the continued support.
To learn more about The Amani Hope Foundation and to donate to the education of children in Africa, click here.

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