It was a dream week as an AFR Clothing intern. Being a teenager is an extremely volatile time, and contemplating one’s future at this age (17 to be precise) is usually a futile exercise. It’s interesting how ubiquitous the phrase “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is, when it is impossible to answer with certainty. I am at the point in my life where things start to count; where the path I take is permanent, and people keep asking me that question, asking me what I want to be when I grow up.
I went to the 2015 Millennium Campus Conference as an intern for AFR Clothing, and there I listened to speeches from world leaders, students and the founders of amazing non-profit organizations, discussed global issues with the some of the greatest minds of my generation, all within the headquarters of the largest supranational organization on the planet, the United Nations. After being around so many amazing people, I think I finally know what I want to be when I grow up.

Because I had gone to last year’s MCC, I thought I knew what to expect when I stepped off the plane at LaGuardia International Airport. Last year I had a great time at the conference – the highlight being Kuda Biza (AFR Clothing CEO) speech and Alexander Star’s performance of #ThisIsMyEra – but it was nothing compared to this year. Every aspect had been magnified in scale to the point where last year’s event felt like child’s play. The timeframe of the conference had been increased, the venue could not be matched, and the speakers were phenomenal. Everyone seemed so interested and engaged which made for a comfortable and friendly environment, yet everyone’s dedication lent an air of urgency.

One of my greatest worries going into the event was that I would be unable to make the most of this experience. Thankfully, Kuda and Alexander Star kept me extremely busy throughout the duration of the event, with constant preparation, soundchecks, and strategy sessions, all of which taking place before we even stepped into the UN. Once inside, it was a whirlwind of kinetic energy and excitement. I’m glad that I took the time to journal my daily activities while I was there as the event itself was such a blur of activity that it would be difficult to recall specifics. Like I said, the speakers were fantastic. I gladly invite you to try and name another event at which you can hear impassioned addresses from the President-Elect of the United Nations, the Founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning which helps educate over 12 million children across the Middle East, and the man, the myth, the legend, Terry Crews himself. Now I grew up watching the show “Everybody Hates Chris”, and it still blows my mind to think that I was in the front row of the UN conference chamber listening to arguably the most masculine person alive speaking about the problems of male pride and patriarchal society. His speech was fantastic! It was poignant, passionate (Terry even reached the verge of tears at one point), and it addressed an issue that was not only present in his life but is an underlying issue that affects almost every sector of our nation today.

Terry’s speech is just one example of the caliber of people I was surrounded with, including the people I spent the most time with, the AFR Clothing team. These guys were seriously on another level than anyone else with whom I’ve worked. This was really the first chance I had to spend quality time with Kuda and Star (by quality time I’m talking about the 13 hour workdays we shared, staying up until 2 AM working and then hitting the gym) and I have never witnessed such a fierce work ethic before. There is a distinct difference between hard work and complete devotion to your craft, and these guys made the latter look like just another day in the office. I think what really blew me away was that, in the midst of meticulously planning out every detail, these guys took the time to try and teach me along the way. Whether it was a better method to sell t-shirts or techniques to keep a positive outlook and a motivated spirit, everyone was eager to help me become better. Along with that, I was intrigued by the different methods that each went about doing this. Kuda has an interesting way of asking questions that you had not considered before, questions which will guide you in the right direction so you can figure out the issue yourself. Star inspires by being inspiring. He gets you to continue working not with words of encouragement but by being an example of the embodiment of hard work. Andre Xavier has a jovial energy that’s just so much fun to be around and serves to not only bring a more relaxed perspective to the table but to balance out the group’s ardent focus. Being around these guys was amazing and probably the most memorable part of the experience for me, which is saying a lot.
Overall, the week I spent in Manhattan around some of the most globally devoted people in the world yielded more than just something to put on my resume, it solidified my interest in this field and gave me the tools to make some headway in it.

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